Text Messaging for Exceptional Guest Experiences

Transform every guest booking with robust SMS and Viber messaging with Messente for Salesforce. From personalised welcome messages to real-time updates on events and services, text messaging can help you create exceptional guest interactions and unlock new opportunities for your business.

Booking Confirmation and Reminders

Reduce No Shows up to 70% with SMS and Viber Messaging

Missed bookings significantly impact your business leaving bookings unfilled, bedrooms empty, and tables unused. Reduce no show bookings with Messente for Salesforce’s one-off and scheduled text reminders. Our solution includes convenient links to help the customer cancel or reschedule if needed so you can maximise occupancy.

Marketing and Promotions

Engage Customers Beyond the Inbox

Unlock the secret to a full house versus empty space—timing is everything. With an unstoppable 98% open rate and messages read within the 90 seconds on average, SMS is the most effective channel for time sensitive offers that capture attention instantly. Messente for Salesforce integrates seamlessly with your CRM data, enabling you to send targeted, timely offers and increase conversion rates.

Guest Engagement

Deliver Unforgettable Guest Experiences with Text Messaging

Take hospitality to new heights with hyper-personalised text messaging. Use Messente for Salesforce to send targeted messages tailored to your customers’ preferences—be it a weather update, a live band announcement, or available slots in a nearby yoga class. Build automated messaging flows in Salesforce and even provide automated concierge services with two-way messaging.

Surveys and Feedback

Elevate Hospitality Service with SMS Surveys

SMS provides a scalable and global way of asking a customer to leave a review, fill out a survey, or provide feedback straight from your CRM. Include links to surveys or conduct the survey yourself through automated two-way messaging. Integrate feedback with customer records in Salesforce to continually improve the guest experience.

Why Hospitality Love Messente for Salesforce

Industry Leading Deliverability

Messente’s delivery rates regularly beats alternative messaging providers by 40% so you can rest assured your message will get there.

High Volume, Global Scale

With a network of 800+ operators in 197 countries and the ability to send 9,000 messages/minute you can sleep easy knowing your message will get there—no matter the volume.

Seamless Salesforce Integration

Easily personalise SMS & Viber messages at scale with Salesforce Flow or Apex.