Streamline Field Service & Logistics with Real-Time SMS Messaging

Smooth logistics require accurate, real-time information. With Messente for Salesforce, streamline communication between your operations centre and field teams through SMS messaging. Access and update Salesforce data on-the-go for seamless coordination and efficiency.

Real-time Coordination

Messente for Salesforce Powers Seamless Updates, Anytime, Anywhere

Efficiently coordinate schedules with real-time SMS messaging, ensuring field technicians are always in the loop, even on the move. The reliability and immediacy of text messaging bypass the limitations of apps, enabling field techs to quickly access and update Salesforce data, facilitating agile decision-making and resource allocation. Directly communicate with customers, providing timely updates on service appointments and unforeseen delays, to effectively address operational challenges and enhance customer satisfaction.

Real-time Order Tracking & Delivery Notifications

Never Miss a Delivery with SMS Order Updates

When your team are delivering or working on site you will often need to both send and gather information for your CRM system. Often sites will still have limited cellular internet coverage, meaning that apps to capture data can be less reliable and that other systems such as email might not be available. Using Messente for Salesforce, you can integrate your Sales, Service, and Field Service applications with SMS messaging allowing you to send and receive information from customer sites to ensure that data is captured and available when it is needed.

On-Site Installation

Uninterrupted On-Site Operations Even in Data Dead Zones

Working on-site can come with plenty of surprises, but limited data connectivity shouldn’t be one of them. Messente for Salesforce integrates your Sales, Service, and Field Service applications with SMS messaging, ensuring reliable and near instantaneous communication—even in areas with low data connectivity. Empower your field service technicians to access and update CRM data via SMS, ensuring work continuity and high customer satisfaction.

Return Process Notifications

Streamline Returns with Viber and SMS Messaging

A UPS study found that 73% of shoppers say the overall returns experience impacts their likelihood to purchase from a retailer again. Provide customers with a hassle-free, responsive returns experience with SMS & Viber messaging from Messente for Salesforce. Provide instant notifications, clear return instructions, and real-time updates, instilling confidence in the reliability of your return process.

Why Field Service and Logistics Rely on Messente for Salesforce

Industry Leading Deliverability

Messente’s delivery rates regularly beats alternative messaging providers by 40% so you rest assured your message will get there.

High Volume, Global Scale

With a network of 800+ operators in 197 countries and the ability to send 9,000 messages/minute you can sleep easy knowing your message will get there—no matter the volume.

Seamless Two-Way Salesforce Integration

Quickly send SMS & Viber messages and effortlessly leverage replies to update Salesforce.