SMS and Viber Messaging in Salesforce Experience Cloud

Salesforce Experience Cloud allows you to connect with customers, partners, and employees in new and exciting ways integrating directly with your Salesforce data. Enhance your digital interactions and expedite connections with Viber and text messaging. Messente for Salesforce seamlessly integrates with Salesforce Experience Cloud, to deliver improved user experiences, secure onboarding, and interactions that delight.


Partner experiences are commonly used to allow sales or delivery partners to interact with your team in a seamless way. Using Messente for Salesforce you can send SMS message notifications to your partners alerting them when records have been assigned, a job status has changed, or time-critical information is available.

User Verification

When a customer wants to change personal or sensitive information on their account, you can use Messente for Salesforce to automatically send a one-time password to verify their identity before any changes are made, enhancing security and ensuring that no actions are taken that shouldn’t be.